OK so I'm a little late to the party (over 20 years), but I've set myself the goal to learn assembly language for the Amiga (68000 processors) and wanted to share my experience with you.
At the age of 13 I was so excited to see a tutorial in Amiga Format called 'How to program your own games in assember', this was the stepping stone for me to become my dream, a games programmer. Sadly as a kid, I struggled, I already knew BASIC and AMOS, but Assembler was something else. The internet didn't exist, I was too young to realise there would be books on the topic, and didn't know anyone in the same boat I could share learning with. I was alone. I gave up, but it's always bugged me.
Now I'm an experienced programmer, I became professional in the late 90's and my dream of coding games came true, but I never did learn assembly language. Of course I didn't need to, the industry moved on, easier and more productive languages are now used. Games I write for clients these days use Unity3D or XNA/MonoGame and the teams I work with can produce sophisticated 3D worlds.
"Games ain't what they used to be"
Technology today is mind blowing, and the games produced today are masterpieces. However I still feel most games today miss the magic of the games made in the early 90's, especially on the Amiga. Is it just my age or did Amiga games really have something different about them? To prove I'm not wearing rose tinted glasses I've started to research some of the old classics. Google and youtube are great, but I've also fired up my Amiga 500 and properly reliving the experience. I wanted to understand more about the all round hero Amiga machine, and how the games were written. Whilst hunting through my old stuff, I came across my Amiga Formats (issues 39-44) with the tutorials I struggled with as a kid, I found all the cover disks, including the full version of DevPac 2.
My Amiga 500 - awesome machine |
I'm about to learn assembly language, how hard can it be? Right? Game ON!
Challenge accepted. I'm aiming to blog about my experience with each tutorial, and then hopefully sum up the whole journey. I have my Amiga 500 now set up on my desk, all issues of Amiga Format tutorial with all the cover disks (I hope they all still work).
Can't wait to get stuck in to the tutorial I really hope it can teach me everything I need to know. Having new knowledge combined with my career experience, I would love to write a game for the Amiga!
I've bought this book on Amazon 'An introduction to 68000 Assembly Language', it's very brief, but it does give me the list of commands available.
Very brief book - but perfect for when I start delving deeper... |
Do you still code in Assembler?!
Would love to hear from anyone who still codes in assembler, especially for the Amiga machines. Or maybe if you used to? Any hints or tips you could recommend? Did you complete the tutorials? Did it kick start your career?